About Muumuu Mall

Place to Experience "Hawaii": Shop for Unique Hawaiian Products.

Muumuu Mall is for people who love to support Hawaii as well as yourself. Our products support all local vendors, craftsmen, new start-ups, local peoples and Hawaiian culture. We care our products and services give what levels of vibe to people. Each shipments, we want make someone as happy as possible. Our focus is to be make this place beautiful, happy, and sustainable.

Who we are?

Muumuu Mall is started as an online retail store, emphasis on "Made in Hawaii Products" and supporting local artists, vendors, new start-ups. This online store is operated by Muumuu Rainbow, which is Hawaiian dress rental store in Waikiki. Muumuu Rainbow has a concept of passing Hawaiian cultural experience to next generations and make this place more sustainable as well. Our goal is to enjoy our local products and make this place even more unique. Also extend and share aloha spirits beyond Hawaii. 

Physical Store?

In June 2024, we opened a physical store in Waikiki. You can browse our products and we also offer cultural experiencial workshop, such as Furoshiki and Hawaiian block printing workshops. We open everyday so please come to stop by to see what we have. 

Inside the Waikiki Shoping Plaza.

2250 Kalakaua Ave. #209

Honolulu, HI 96815

How we started?

We started from Hawaiian dress rental store, Muumuu Rainbow. It served for people who attend wedding in Hawaii. Muumuu Rainbow focuses on keeping authentic Hawaiian traditions and try to utilize local resources as much as possible. It was formal Hawaiian attire and also Hawaiian style wedding dresses. In 2021, Muumuu Rainbow had to close the store due to COVID lock down, because rental dress service was not considered as an essential business. However just after 2 weeks or so, we opened as a "Fabric Store." People needed face masks, so a fabric store was considered as an essential business in Hawaii. Since then, Muumuu Rainbow started to sell left over fabrics from dress productions, and we started selling Hawaiian fabrics, and we named, Fabric Hawaii. ( http://fabric-hawaii.com)

Fabric Hawaii

Because Muumuu Rainbow made own dresses from designing and all productions were in Hawaii, it was not too difficult to start selling left over fabrics. We started from Etsy first. You can see our raving reviews we receive from many people.

After selling Hawaiian fabrics, we noticed many of our customers made face masks and sold locally. We thought about helping those resales as well. We also started being asked about small productions, such as starting up new brand line. Several people had experienced laid offs and searched for their new own path.

Then, this Muumuu Mall (formerly, "Muumuu Outlet") started. We try to sell new local designer's products as well as our own items, such as dog's Hawaiian shirts and original Hawaiian shirts and dresses.

Our rental store has been closed 3 years and our inventories are getting costly. So we had to clean out the space, too. We named "Outlet" to sell many variety of items and inventories from our rental stores. We sell those lightly used rental clothings on this Muumuu Mall as well. 

In 2021, on of  the local designer offered us to take over the Princess Kaiulani Fashions. Since then, we have our own production team and we support local start-ups and customers even more.

Fabric Hawaii started offering small production support services as well as custom deign dress/shirts making. 

Our Original Products

Muumuu Rainbow manufactures own designed Hawaiian dresses and shirts before. 

We partner with oversea production companies. For example, our "Sabado" line is that creating original prints, using his artistic prints and created dresses and shirts. Those are only sold in our store in USA. We try to promote and do more of this productions to support artists. In that way, artists will have extra source of income, and our customers can enjoy unique items in here.

Our Goals

Our goal is to extend love and aloha to everyone and everything. "Hawaii" products is just one of the touch point to the world. We want this place to be beautiful and surrounded by many people and things with love and happiness.

Our goal is to bring Aloha to everybody through our products and services.Sunrise Hawaii Ocean

We want to make this online web site not just one of an online shopping site. We care to be connected with people by our products.

Thank you for supporting us and hope one day, you come to visit our store in Hawaii!

Waikiki Beach

 Featured Brands

It offers beautiful Hawaiian fabrics and Japanese fabrics.

Some original finished products such as "Furoshiki". 

Specialized in custom made dresses and traditional Hawaiian clothing. Muumuu Mall sells their ready made dresses from Princess Kaiulani Fashions. Muuumuu Mall is the Princess Kaiulani Fashions exclusive retail store in Waikiki.

Variety of Hawaiian dress brand items from local Hawaii. Variety of party dresses from rental dress store. It includes men's pants and shoes. At Muumuu Mall, we sell thire rented items as "Muumuu Outlet." Many items are new and lightly rented used. Unlike regular used clothing, all items are proffesionally rented and cared. (Some items are never rented so it is brand new conditions.)

Dog Hawaiian shirts made by Hawaiian artisans.

As always, mahalo for your kokua!



Location 2250 Kalakaua Ave. #209 Honolulu, HI 96815

Hours : 11am-5:30pm

Telephone: 808-436-6069

Email: hawaii@muumuurainbow.com

Our Rental Store:

Our store is located in center of Waikiki. We share the space with rental dress store, Muumuu Rainbow. When you come to visit Hawaii, please stop by. Find fine Hawaiian souvenirs for your friends and family. Many of our items are exclusive in our store. You will find fine Hawaiian shirts, Hawaiian dresses, dog's shirts, and many other Hawaiian gift items. Please check most updated business hours by calling us or Google place.